Outdoor League

Outdoor Season Fields

2025 Outdoor Field Lists:
Community Fields: U5-U9
Zone League Fields: U7-U19

Sport Field Monitors - The sport field monitors can be contacted during the evening and weekends for any trouble shooting (i.e someone is using the field when you have it booked, irrigation problems, etc) as they have contact information for various departments within the city. You can contact the Sport Field Monitors at (306) 260-8681

 Please do not practice or play any other activities on the following fields because they are currently under construction or are being nursed back to health by the City Park Department.
CHARGE FIELDS 2025: If your team wishes to practice or play on these fields you must book and pay for them with the City of Saskatoon Allocations Branch (306) 975-3366. SYSI books and pays for any league games that take place on these fields.
Class III
Class II
Class I
Class I
With Lights
(If fields booked between 7 - 11pm
there is an additional fee of $39/hr for lights)
BJ Mahoney 2, 3 Aden Bowman 1 Morris Chernesky 4, 5 Newsham 3, 4
G.D. Archibald 3 Atlantic 1, 2 Forest Park 3, 4, 5, 6 Umea 4, 5
Nutana Kiwanis 6, 7 Donna Birkmaier 3, 4, 5 Kate Waygood 3, 4  
Pacific 3 Forest 9    
WJL Harvey 15 James Anderson 1, 3    
  Lakewood 3    
  Misaskwatomina 2    
  Parc Canada 8    
  Pierre Radisson 2 (cricket pitch)    
  Scott 4    
  Umea 6    
  Umea Vast 5    
  Weaver 1    

                             A    B      D    E    F    G      I    J      L    M    N    O     P    Q    R      T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z

Field Name Location & Access (Google Map) Neighborhood Map Image
Aden Bowman 1 1904 Clarence Ave S Haultain
Al Anderson 3 Hampton Circle & E Hampton Blvd Hampton Village
Alex MacGillivray Young 2 Stonebridge Common Stonebridge
Arbor Creek 2 Kucey Crescent & Kenderdine Road Arbor Creek 
GD Archibald Memorial 3 Spadina Crescent & Prince of Wales Avenue Richmond Heights 
Ashworth Holmes 1 31st Street & Avenue F Caswell Hill  
Atlantic 1 & 2 Diefenbaker Drive and 22nd Street Pacific Heights 
Blair Nelson Vic Boulevard Stonebridge 
BJ Mahoney 2 & 3 Primrose Drive (Behind BJM School) Lawson Heights
Brevoort Park North 2 Early Drive (West of Brevoort Park School) Brevoort Park
Brevoort Park South 1 Early Drive and Madden Ave Brevoort Park
Briarwood Park 2 Briarwood Road Briarwood 
Brighton Core Park Brighton Boulevard Brighton
Churchill 1 Wilson Cres & Haultain Ave Adelaide / Churchill
City Park Duke Street & King Crescent (behind City Park School)  City Park North 
Crocus 4 Waterbury Road or Emmeline Road Lakeridge
Cumberland Park 1 8th Street & Ewart Avenue Grosvenor Park
Donna Birkmaier Taylor Street & Slimmon Road Rosewood 
Dr.Gerhard Herzberg 2, 3 Acadia Drive & Campion Cres - by the rink College Park
Dr. Seager Wheeler A, 3 Richardson Rd & Hnatyshyn Ave Westview
Dutchak Park  Ottawa Street Meadowgreen 
Dundonald 3,4,5 Sumner Cres (behind St. Peters School) Dundonald
Ernest Lindner 6 & 7
Cowley Road & Kenderdine Road
6 - behind Father Robinson School, Cowley Rd
7 - beside Dr John G Egnatoff School, Kenderdine Road
Forest Park 3,4,5,6,7,8 Nelson Road (behind St. Joseph High School or Across from Centennial High School) University Heights 
Funk Park A 835 Evergreen Blvd Evergreen
Glacier Park 1 Carlton Drive and Cambridge Crescent College Park 
Greystone 2 14th Street E Greystone Heights 
Grosvenor 2 Main Street Grosvenor Park 
Harold Tatler North 6 & 7 Woodward Ave and Guppy Street Nutana 
Holiday Park 2 Schuyler Street Holiday Park 
Herbert S. Sears Park 6 Pendygrasse Road - West of St Mark School Fairhaven 
Hyde Park Slimmon Road Rosewood
Indoor Turf Fields University Heights 
James Anderson 1, 3 & 4 East Drive or Arlington Ave Eastview 
Kate Waygood 3 Ave W South Meadowgreen
Kavia Indoor Turf University Heights
Kinsmen - Outdoor Turf University Heights
Kistikan 5 Arlington Avenue & E Centre Eastview 
Lakeview 6,7 & 8 Whiteshore Crescent Lakeview 
Lakewood 3 1535 Mckercher Dr Wildwood
Les Kerr Kellough Road - South of St Volodymyr School Forest Grove 
Lions Century Park Nightingale Rd Kensington
Lt Col Drayton Walker 1 Cassino Avenue Montgomery
Lt. Gen. GG Simonds 1 Simonds Avenue Montgomery 
Misaskwatomina McOrmond Dr and Baltzan Blvd Evergreen 
Meadowgreen 2515 18th Street West Meadowgreen
Morris Cherneskey 4 & 5 Hart Road & Bowlt Crescent (across from Shaw Centre) Blairemore
Mount Royal Avenue V & 29th Street Mount Royal 
NS - Indoor Turf University Heights 
Nutana Kiwanis 6, 7 Louise Street & McEown Avenue South Nutana
Pacific Park A, 3 McDougall Crescent (off Centennial Drive) Pacific Heights 
Parc Canada 7, 8 John A Macdonald Road Pacific Heights
Parkridge 1 McCormack Road Parkridge
Richards Park Boykowich Crescent Evergreen
Riversdale Kiwanis 3 & 4 (Newsham)  31st Street (near Edmonton Ave) Mount Royal
Robert E Hunter North 2 & 3 Ravine Drive
North 2 - Ravine Dr & Churchill Crt - behind the spray park and playground
North 3 - Ravine Dr & Assiniboine Dr - behind Ecole River Heights school and rink
River Heights 
Rochdale 6 Chitek Crescent Lawson Heights
Saskatoon Soccer Centre University Heights
Scott Park 4 Rusholme Road (Behind E.D Feehan) Westmount 
Sid Buckwold 1, 4 & 5 Between McKercher & Boychuk Dr (near balldiamond) East College Park
Sherwood - Indoor Turf University Heights
Silverspring 3 & 4 Konihowski Road Silverspring 
Sutherland Park 2 113th Avenue and Egbert Avenue Sutherland
Swick Park 1030 Rosewood Boulevard W Rosewood
Trail Appliance - Indoor Turf University Heights
TJ Quigley Birch Crescent Forest Grove 
Umea 4, 5, 6 Pinehouse Drive (Near Henk Ruys Centre) Lawson Heights
Umea Vast Behind the Lawson Heights Mall - Primrose Drive Lawson Heights
Wallace Park 2, 3 Addison Road & Stensrud Road 
2 - large soccer pitch behind Holy Family School
3 - greenspace behind spray park and Willowgrove School
Weaver 2 Hilliard Street & Eastlake Avenue Queen Elizabeth 
W.E Graham Nutana
West Field - Outdoor Turf University Heights
Wiggins 1 Wiggins Avenue & 1st Street E Holliston
Wildwood 6, 7, 8
6 - Highbury Court, Highbury Place or Beurling Cres
7, 8 - Rosedal Road or Richardt Place 
Wilson 1 & 2 Between 10th Avenue & King Crescent City Park
WJL Harvey North 2, 5
North 2 - Russell Road - behind Brownell School
North 5 - Molloy Street or Silverwood Road - behind Sister O'Brien School
Silverwood Heights
WJL Harvey South 15 & 16 155 J.J Thiessen Crescent, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5N9 Silverwood Heights 
W.W Ashley 2 Taylor Street & Albert Avenue Haultain   


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